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Moments | We watched the full Super Bowl!!

This time yesterday evening, I had a plan. I was to be settled down in bed by half 10 ready to relax and have a nice, chilled evening before heading to sleep. This all changed of course at 11.45pm when I was wide awake and got a text asking if I wanted to stream the Super Bowl on BBC.

Last year, my friends and I went to a bar on the High Street to watch the game as a reason to get out of our flats and experience the atmosphere. Despite this, none of us knew what anything meant, what the rules were nor what was actually happening - we soon realised that it was an incredibly stoppy-starty game. Safe to say we didn't last, and left just after the second quarter as soon as Queen B had performed.

This year, however, my flatmate and I stayed up right til the end!! We actually did it!! We even attempted to 'Live Tweet' the event to an extent... I mean, if you're looking for a commentary by two girls who's knowledge is limited, you were really missing out:

We originally set ourselves up downstairs but then realised we needed to relocate upstairs, and seeing as Catherine has lots of fairy lights dotted around in her room, it really made for a cute little set up.

It started off pretty quickly, and by the time we were done chatting about what we were looking at something else had happened and the ball was yards ahead and someone was on the floor. It made no sense to us, but there we were still watching.

We got treated to some right theatrics which was beautiful to witness. Touchdown after touchdown from the Falcons felt very exciting, but we were getting bored of it being a landslide victory - or so we thought. It was at this point that we started cheering on the Patriots.

Well what a bloody error.

There we were, rooting for them to make an incredible comeback to make the game interesting and more fair before Atlanta inevitably retained the lead and won the title, but no no - New England apparently had other plans. Maybe we were a jinx.

One thing we were not on board with the whole 4 hours was the whole hype around Tom Brady. There was a point in the game when New England were down 28 - 3 and Brady looked "totally deflated" as the pundits labelled him; he was taking too long to throw the ball, he kept getting caught and was consequently flattened by Atlanta's players in quick succession. We just didn't get it.

Saying that, New England's comeback was genuinely the most insane thing I've ever witnessed at 3.30am and my adrenaline really kicked in. I still can't get over the catch by Edelman in the final moments. It blows my mind how quick it must have been in real time and if it wasn't for that then the game might have ended differently. Whoa.

Staying up and watching the Super Bowl was incredible, and a really cool thing to do. I'm glad I've done it, or else I wouldn't have witnessed history being made. It's one to tell the grand-kids that I was watching the first ever overtime in Super Bowl history live, right?

Overall, I'm glad to have watched it for one thing: it provided me with the best GIF of all time. I want it everywhere. Go GaGa.

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