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Garden modelling | What I'm wearing

With Storm Barbara and Connor having hit this winter, it's a great opportunity to don a thick pullover shirt to keep warm. The only thing is, I pulled it under instead. In an attempt to model some of my new Christmas clothes like a fashion blogger, I braved the cold frost and took to my garden back at home - I should also give special thanks to my sister who kindly and not forcibly took the photos.

*Excuse the quality of her phone camera*

Black treggings are a staple item of clothing and I am now of the opinion that everyone really need to own a pair. I've found that these in particular cling to my legs in a complimentary way, as it gives them shape and outline that my ripped jeans don't offer as much. The seam of my jeans also swivels round sometimes which is annoying af when all you want to do is keep your hands warm in your pockets and not reverse the swivel every now and again. Treggings are every anti-jean-swiveller's dream.

As for a scarf, it can come or go. You might not need to accessorise with it on warmer days but as you can see above and below from the ground, it was quite nippy and the scarf was a necessity. Plus with this kind of pullover shirt, a scarf really hides the lovely crossover detail across the chest.

In all honesty, I'm not really sure I can call this a pullover look. I tuck its flared skirt in and roll the bell sleeves up, covering any look of the original purpose and design. Technically, all I've done is tamper with it to suit my body - trust me it did not look half as flattering when it was full length and roaming free - but still. It's just one interpretation of style I guess... just go along with it and humour me, please.

I'm just trying to learn fashion as much as the next person who used to be a tomboy, so we're in this together. You can probably tell in my awkwardness of these photos that I am out of my comfort zone, so laugh now if you haven't already (my sister did).

How are you wearing your pullover shirts? Does anyone else tuck them in as well? I'd love to know how else to make this outfit work!

In this outfit:

Coat: T.K. Maxx

Top: Peacocks

Bottoms: T.K. Maxx

Boots: New Look

Socks and bra: Probably Primark

Scarf: A birthday present

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