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Let's talk about... me | Who is Olive?

I've had a go at blogging before but only using Wordpress, so I thought I'd give Wix a go for a change. I quite like it so far.

In thinking of ideas as to what to write about, I realised I should get to know some of you out there and vice versa - so here's your chance to get to know a little bit of me...

1) My favourite fruit is the pomegranate

Most people then immediately begin to tell me how faffy they are to eat

Oh really, wow I never knew that even though I have indeed eaten one. Do tell me more.

2) My dog is literally the cutest thing in the world

Every time I leave for university and have to say bye to him it's the saddest time and I can't deal

3) I say the word 'literally' way too much

Even my module tutor noticed and took pleasure in telling me just how factually incorrect it is

4) The majority of my wardrobe consists of stripes and jumpers

And I love it a lot, work it girl

5) I really love musicals

I'm that girl who knows the words to every song. And every song gets a full performance when I'm in the shower

6) My favourite film is Wild Child

I don't even think my best friends believe me when I say it, I get the weirdest looks

7) Dairy milk buttons are my weakness

I will eat them all

8) I love hugs

I'm basically Olaf

But I accept cold ones too.

9) I make a really cracking omelette

Not to toot my own horn, but toot toot

10) I'm 100% a Hufflepuff

Pottermore just confirmed it

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